Request test
Phone with international format e.g. +1408XXXXXXX , or chatID for contact or group
Request URL{{instance_id}}/messages/vcard
Request body
token *Required
to *Required

Phone number with international format e.g. +14155552671
chatID for contact or group e.g [email protected] or [email protected]

vcard *Required

Text value vcard 3.0
Max length : 4096 char
Example :
BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:lastname;firstname\nFN:firstname lastname\nTEL;TYPE=CELL;waid=14000000001:14000000002\nNICKNAME:nickname\nBDAY:01.01.1987\nX-GENDER:M\nNOTE:note\nADR;TYPE=home:;;;;;;\nADR;TYPE=work_:;;;;;;\nEND:VCARD

Request samples
Note : don't forget to URL encode your query params like base64 or utf-8
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